
Blog posts of '2015' 'July'

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Summary: Steven L. Contursi, President of Rare Coin Wholesalers (RCW), and one of America’s most respected and renowned numismatic traders, recognized for his achievements in purchasing and selling two of the three most expensive rare coins, selects Daniel Lee, CEO of Liquid Bullion Coins and Collectibles and professional numismatist of 18 years, specializing in U.S. rare coins and bullion, as Senior Numismatist heading the new Houston, Texas branch of RCW.
Image of Tyler Reesor
Risk and Uncertainty – Making the Case for Alternatives

Perhaps at no other time in modern history has there been so much confusion and uncertainty for the typical investor. In just the last 10 years there have been bubbles, crashes, recoveries, and run-ups in a number of markets. We have created billions of dollars via Quantitative Easing, kept interest rates at all-time lows, and managed to stave off inflation.

Image of Paul Buzby
Greece, China, Oil, and US Short Term Rates


Don't buy into the fear in the news! Many of these fears are being misconstrue