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ANA announces annual awards

Coin World
Monday, August 13, 2007

American Numismatic Association officials announced some of the organization’s annual awards that were to be presented during the World’s Fair of Money in Milwaukee in August.

Numismatic authors Neil Shafer and Leroy C. Van Allen were honored with the Lifetime Achievement Awards, and dealer Steven L. Contursi received the Exemplary Service Award.

The recipients of the Outstanding Government Service Awards are the Royal Canadian Mint’s Ian Graham (International) and former U.S. Mint Director Jay W. Johnson (United States).

Exonumia specialist David E. Schenkman and dealer James L. Halperin each received the Medal of Merit.

Nine recipients of the Glenn Smedley Award were named: Paul R. Johnson, Bradley Steven Karoleff, Lee and Joyce Kuntz, Joel D. Rettew, Richard E. Snow, Tony Swicer, Jeffrey Swindling and Raymond J. Williams.