
Blog posts tagged with 'Rare Coin'

Image of Michael Contursi
Top 5 Rare Coin Investing Considerations – Private Air Magazine

Image of Michael Contursi
Top 5 Rare Coin Investing Considerations – Impact Wealth

Image of Steve Monaco
Art Basel Inspired Relative Value Opportunity
Earlier in the month, I had the good fortune to attend Art Basel, the art world’s premier platform for bringing artists and their patrons together. The volume of art that was displayed and purchased was staggering. It was quite an event.
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Summary: Steven L. Contursi, President of Rare Coin Wholesalers (RCW), and one of America’s most respected and renowned numismatic traders, recognized for his achievements in purchasing and selling two of the three most expensive rare coins, selects Daniel Lee, CEO of Liquid Bullion Coins and Collectibles and professional numismatist of 18 years, specializing in U.S. rare coins and bullion, as Senior Numismatist heading the new Houston, Texas branch of RCW.
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Extensive information on tax laws impacting investments in tangible assets such as rare coins.
Image of Tyler Reesor
Diversification and Investing in Rare Coins as a New Concept

One of the tenants of wise-investing – and indeed in one’s approach to life – is to “not put all your eggs in one basket.” The last few years give us a clear example of the dangers that exist when one’s portfolio is too heavily in concentrated in any one asset; look at the dramatic shift in prices seen in stocks, precious metals, and real estate! With the volatility and uncertainty currently displayed in many conventional investments, astute investors are actively looking for ways to protect themselves by diversifying their holdings and bringing in assets that offer non-correlation to their existing positions. “Non-correlating assets” has become the buzz term after the most recent recession. This is not a new concept, but after the financial crisis in 2007 investors have become cognizant of this. To many people the idea of investing in rare coins is a new concept, but it is, in fact, a time-tested method for preserving wealth generationally. Owning assets that are limited in supply and carry a high demand due to their intrinsic value is a strategy historically shown to protect and grow wealth. Many investors understand this strategy as they have seen it throughout their lives without realizing it. Imagine purchasing a Picasso, Monet, 1955 Ferrari, or downtown property in most urban areas 30 or 40 years ago! The new thing about investing in rare coins is that individuals now have a trusted ally in this space.

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The Brasher Doubloon, the first gold coin made in the United States that was hand-struck in 1787 by George Washington's neighbor and is now owned by a Laguna Beach resident, will be featured in a coin trade show in Los Angeles next week.
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Rare Coin Wholesalers (RCW) of Dana Point, California is one of the initial sponsors for a new talk radio program hosted by Wayne Allyn Root, the 2008 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nominee and regular guest personality on FOX News and FOX Business networks.
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Nationally-known political leader, author and economic crusader, Wayne Allyn Root, the 2008 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nominee, has been named National Spokesman and Chief Economic and Political Strategist for Rare Coin Wholesalers of Dana Point, California (, one of America’s premiere rare coin and gold bullion companies.
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Contursi, who owns east Napa vineyard, lucks into find from 1943