
Blog posts tagged with 'expo'

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The finest know 1915-S Panama-Pacific International Exposition commemoration coins will be exhibited during the three days of the April Santa Clara Coin, Stamp & Collectibles Expo.
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Whitman Expo Sells Out Bourse
The Whitman Coin and Collectibles Atlanta Expo's dealer booth capacity is sold out, announced David Crenshaw, general manager. The show will take place in Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 11-13.
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$2.5M coin among tony expo finds
It's worth $2.5 million, and it fits in the palm of your hand.
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One of the first Gold Rush-era coins minted in San Francisco, a unique pioneer gold $20 piece minted by John G. Kellogg, will return to the Bay area for just the second time since it was made in 1854.