Numismatic News
A record price of $1.5 million has been set by a private treaty
sale of a rainbow-toned 1792 half disme, graded NGC MS-68.
Sale of the coin was announced July 5 by Rare Coin Wholesalers
of Dana Point, Calif.
The coin was purchased by the Cardinal
Collection Educational Foundation of Sunnyvale, Calif.
The foundation supports research and publications about early
American money, and will be releasing a book this summer with
new information about early U.S. coinage.
The previous record price for a 1792 half disme was $1,322,500
for one graded PCGS SP-67 that was sold in April 2006 by Heritage
Auction Galleries.
“Based on weight it’s the world’s most valuable piece of silver.
It’s equivalent to more than $34 million per ounce,” said Steven L.
Contursi, president of Rare Coin Wholesalers.
“This extraordinary coin was struck in the basement of a Philadelphia
saw-maker’s shop in July 1792 when the Mint was not yet operational,”
explained Martin Logies, president of the foundation.
Because of its exceptionally sharp details and immaculately preserved
condition, Logies and research colleague, Karl Moulton, believe this
particular coin was part of a group originally owned by the first
U.S. Mint Director, David Rittenhouse.
“A small number of high-grade specimens were passed down through
the Rittenhouse family for generations, and finally were dispersed
very early in the 1900s.
This particular one, the finest of that group, was retained by the
family for an additional period, until it was consigned to the 1919
official American Numismatic Association convention auction, conducted
by Henry Chapman,” Logies said.
In August the foundation will release copies of a new reference book
by Moulton, Henry Voigt and Others Involved with America’s Early Coinage.
Noted author and researcher, Q. David Bowers, wrote the foreword.
Copies of the 242-page, hardbound book will be available at the ANA
Milwaukee convention.
The book disputes earlier reports that President Washington personally
provided the silver used for striking the coins.
Records indicate that on July 11, 1792, Jefferson reimbursed Rittenhouse
$75 for the silver bullion the Mint director advanced on his own for
processing planchets that would be used in the coining.
Two days later, July 13, 1792, Jefferson picked up the newly struck
coins that Washington had authorized four days earlier on July 9.
Less than 400 surviving examples are known today from the1,500 recorded
The 1792 half disme is a tiny, early American silver coin with a big
historical connection.
Authorized by President George Washington 215 years ago this month, it
is slightly smaller than a modern dime and weighs less than one-23rd of
an ounce.
Logies says the foundation plans to display the coin around the country
starting with the upcoming ANA World’s Fair of Money Aug. 8-12 in
Milwaukee, Wis.
“Many 19th century collectors referred to the coin’s design as the
‘Martha Washington half disme’ because the portrait resembles the
President’s wife.”
The obverse epicts the portrait of a symbolic female representation of
Liberty, the legend, LIB. (liberty) PAR. (parent) OF SCIENCE & INDUSTRY,
and the year, 1792.
The reverse has the denomination, HALF DISME, and the words, UNI (united)
STATES OF AMERICA surrounding an eagle.
The coin’s diameter is 17.5 millimeters; the weight is 20.8 grains; 89.24
percent fine silver with a silver content of 18.5625 grains or 0.03867
troy ounces.
Over the centuries the untouched silver surface has toned to deep blue
with touches of purple and light red, apparently from storage for years
in a Wayte Raymond cardboard album in the mid 20th century.
Moulton’s research indicates the provenance of this specific 1792 half disme
• David Rittenhouse, first Director of the United States Mint;
• In the possession of the Rittenhouse family until sold at the October
1919 ANA convention auction conducted by Henry Chapman;
• Collector George L. Tilden whose collection was sold at auction by
Thomas Lindsay Elder in June1921;
• A private collector (who apparently stored the coin in a Wayte
Raymond album);
• A unnamed museum in New England that sold the coin at a Stack’s
auction in October 1988;
• Dealer Jay Parino;
• The anonymous “Knoxville Collection” from 1988 to 2003;
• A private collector from 2003 to January 2007;
• Dealer Steve Contursi, January – July 2007;
• Cardinal Collection Educational Foundation.
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Record price set by half disme
Tuesday, July 17, 2007