The tiny, early American silver coin personally authorized by President George Washington 215 years ago, and purchased for a headline-generating record $1.5 million this past summer by a Sunnyvale educational foundation, will make its first Northern California public appearance.
A tiny, early American silver coin personally authorized by President George Washington 215 years ago has been purchased for a record $1,500,000 by a California educational foundation.
A 215-year-old coin that was part of the first batch of coins produced by the U-S Mint has sold for one-point-five (m) million dollars.
A nonprofit group paid $1.5 million for a coin that was only worth five cents when it was produced more than 200 years ago.
Imbue history and add pedigree to a 215-year-old near mint condition coin and it can do wonders for its value. How's $1.5 million?
It turns out a half dime can be worth a pretty penny.
The Professional Coin Grading Service has changed the label on Brasher doubloon slabs in keeping with new theory about what the face value was at the time of striking.