
Blog posts tagged with '85'

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The world's most famous and valuable rare coins, the $8.5 million King of Siam coin set, will be on public display in Las Vegas for the first time since the legendary coins were featured at the 1999 opening of Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino.
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The legendary King of Siam Proof set was acquired Nov. 1 in a cash deal by Steven L. Contursi, president of Rare Coin Wholesalers of Dana Point, Calif., for a record $8.5 million.
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$8.5 million for Siam set
It’s the stuff of legend, and now the fabled King of Siam proof set has been sold for a record price of $8.5 million.
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O.C. man pays $8.5 million for coins
Steven L. Contursi dropped the $8.5 million check onto the counter Tuesday before handing it over - just to make sure it wouldn't bounce.
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The King of Siam set has traveled from the hands of royalty to the descendants of a British governess to the world of rare-coin collecting.